Here are the latest posts about Star Wars on Gamers Game:
Electronic Arts Cuts Deal With Disney for Star Wars Games: Electronic Arts has picked up the lucractive Star Wars game license from Disney. The move follows Disney's closing of LucasArts earlier this month. (2013-05-06)
BioWare Announces Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic: BioWare has announced the first digital expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic. (2013-01-02)
Rovio to Launch Star Wars Version of Angry Birds on November 8: Rovio is launching a Star Wars version of its Angry Birds game on November 8th. (2012-10-09)
Xbox 360 Kinect Star Wars Bundle Unboxed: CBSNews. (2012-05-12)
Han Solo Dancing on Star Wars Kinect: Watch Han Solo and Lando dance to a Han Solo song in the Kinect Star Wars game. No Jabba to answer to. (2012-04-13)
Star Wars: The Old Republic Set for December 20, 2011 Launch: Electronic Arts, BioWare and LucasArts have announced the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO will launch in North American on December 20, 2011. (2011-09-24)
2k Sports Brings Michael Jordan Back on the Court in NBA 2K11: 2K Sports video game NBA 2K11 contains a game mode called The Jordan Challenge that lets players play Michael Jordan. (2010-07-22)
Darth Vader in a Bikini: The force of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is difficult to resist. (2006-10-13)
2K Games to Publish Ghost Rider Game: MegaGames reports that 2K Games is publishing a Ghost Rider game based on the comic book series and the February 2007 movie starring Nicolas Cage (Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios). (2006-05-15)
Online Time Killer: Light Saber Training: Lost Vectors has an online time killer game called Jedi Trainer 2. (2005-12-09)
Gamers Love Playing the Bad Guy: A new survey has found that teens love to play the villain in games. (2005-11-01)
Feel the LEGO Force: Why be just an imaginary Star Wars hero when you can be an imaginary LEGO Star Wars hero? Coming in April 2005, the LEGO Star Wars video game lets you become a LEGO Jedi Knight as you battle against the dark side of the Force through the fun, action and adventure of Episodes I to III. (2005-03-07)