Here are the latest posts about games about or involving zombies from Gamers Game:
Dying Light Video Game Involves Parkour and Zombies: Players use parkour skills to fight zombies in the upcoming video game Dying Light from Techland. (2015-01-03)
Plants vs. Zombies Pillows and Plush Toys Arrive: Plants vs. (2013-01-05)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies Reveal Trailer: Activision has released the zombies reveal trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops II. (2012-09-30)
PopCap to Release Plants vs Zombies Sequel in 2013: PopCap Games has announced it will launch a Plants vs. (2012-08-23)
Electronic Arts Announces Sims 3 Supernatural: Electronic Arts will launch The Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack, which lets you play as supernatural Sims, create potions, cast spells, make zombies and more. (2012-06-29)
Ubisoft Launches ZombiU at E3 2012: One of the new games for the Wii U is ZombiU. (2012-06-13)
Zombies, Run is a Running Game for iPhone, iPod and Android: Zombies, Run! is an immersive running game for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android coming out in Q1 2012. (2011-09-21)
Cheerleader Fights Zombies in Lollipop Chainsaw: A cheerleader battles zombies in a violent video game called, Lollipop Chainsaw, from writer/director James Gunn ( Slither). (2011-08-28)
Video: Dead Island Trailer: This Dead Island Trailer is a very scary short film that shows a family on vacation being attacked by zombies. (2011-02-24)
2k Sports Brings Michael Jordan Back on the Court in NBA 2K11: 2K Sports video game NBA 2K11 contains a game mode called The Jordan Challenge that lets players play Michael Jordan. (2010-07-22)
PopCap Games Launches Plants vs. Zombies for iPad: PopCap Games has created a Plants vs. (2010-04-13)
ARhrrrr: Augmented Reality Zombie Game: The Georgia Tech Augmented Environments Lab and the Savannah College of Art and Design have designed an interesting augmented reality game called "ARhrrrr. (2009-06-23)
Resident Evil Series Needs a Reboot: Wired's Game|Life takes a look at the Resident Evil series, which is now on its fifth version. (2009-03-21)
Cool Graffiti in Left 4 Dead: This message was spotted written on a blackboard in the zombie survival game, Left 4 Dead. (2009-01-07)
The Simpson's Zombie Shoot-Out: The website for The Simpsons has a Flash game called Zombie Shoot-Out. (2006-10-26)
Dead Rising Zombie Game Not Banned in Germany: Early reports, like this one from Gaming Horizon, indicated that Dead Rising, a zombie game that takes place in a small town, was going to be banned in Germany. (2006-07-24)
2K Games to Publish Ghost Rider Game: MegaGames reports that 2K Games is publishing a Ghost Rider game based on the comic book series and the February 2007 movie starring Nicolas Cage (Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios). (2006-05-15)
Zombie Cannibalism Games Make Parents Alert List: Two games with zombie cannibalism made a MediaWise Parent Alert! list of games to avoid letting your kids play. (2005-12-02)
Spooky Time Killers for Halloween: Tonight is Halloween so if you feel the need to kill some time as well as some zombies and other frights here a few online games that might help. (2005-10-31)