Jared Fogle Blames Nintendo for Weight Gain

Posted on January 23, 2006

Jared Fogle, who was made popular for his Subway Diet, has said that it was the Nintendo that started him on the sedentary lifestyle that led to his weight gain. Fogle says he can trace his weight gain back to the day he was given a Nintendo, which he calls the best birthday present of his life.

Fogle says he started playing video games more and more and doing things like sports and riding his bike less and less. He also says he developed a love of junk food.

Fogle says, "I usually had one hand on the controller and one in a bag of chips. They tried restricting my Nintendo time, but I found ways to get around it."

If Jared's comments aren't enough to make you want to run laps before playing the Nintendo then you may want to head the device of Barbara Kolp-Jurss, M.D., Pediatrician, Advanced Healthcare. She says, "Three top reasons are the 'Three N's,' Nickelodeon, Nintendo and Netscape - television, video games and computers. Kids are getting less activity."

She may need to update her clever quote since Netscape is barely used for web browsing these days.

Update: Jared also has a book out called, Jared, the Subway Guy: Winning Through Losing: 13 Lessons for Turning Your Life Around. We wonder if one of the lessons is stop playing Nintendo.

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