Explore Haunted House in Scratches

Posted on March 13, 2006

Scratches is a new horror game for the PC from Got Game Entertainment. In Scratches you play the role of fame horror author Michael Arthate. As Arthate you explore a haunted old Victorian house called Blackwood Manor. The press release says you probe the creepy house for clues using the mouse.

Got Game says, "Examining, probing, and hunting your way through musty rooms, an overrun greenhouse, a sinister chapel, and a forbidding crypt, your investigation deepens, and you slowly become aware of one terrifying fact: you are not alone."

The game sounds like it has a good atmosphere and storyline. It has already garnered a few good reviews. Game Over compared Scratches to Dark Fall and said Dark Fall is the better game. Game Zone gave Scracthes a 7.4 and noted that the low price of $19.99 makes the game an easier risk to try. GameBoomers really liked Scratches and gave it an A+. The game box is pretty wicked looking.

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