Ubisoft Making Altair Short Film

Posted on March 1, 2007


Game developer Ubisoft is creating a short film for Altair, the hero of Ubisoft's Crusades-era video game Assassin's Creed. Ubisoft has launched its own digital film studio to create this film and future films.

Mary Beth Hensen, a spokeswoman for Ubisoft, tells the New York Tiems, "We may consider doing longer-form films or television sometime in the future. We're basically putting to work the existing creativity of our game developers as well as adding a more traditional cinematic slant to our roster."

Ubisoft says the short film will be distributed online and in video game consoles. The Times says Ubisoft has already forged alliances in Hollywood, with games like Peter Jackson's King Kong. It also sold the film rights to producer Jerry Bruckheimer for a movie inspired by its Prince of Persia game.

Actress Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars) also has a video game role in Assassin's Creed. She discusses it here with IGN.

Photo: Ubisoft

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