Command a Mighty Empire

Posted on March 15, 2005

Midway Games Inc. and Stainless Steel Studios are developing Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War, a new historical, real-time strategy game that is scheduled to ship in winter 2005. Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War is the latest creation from award-winning developer Stainless Steel Studios and renowned game designer Rick Goodman. The new game is a detailed real-time strategy game that lets players completely command one of the four mightiest empires of the ancient world: Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Persia.

Rise & Fall allows players to fight alongside their troops as one of history's eight greatest heroes, and bring victory to their nation on the battlefield. Rick Goodman, president of Stainless Steel Studios, said, "With its unprecedented gameplay, historical accuracy and unique elements, Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War will be one of the most ambitious RTS games to date." Empires Heaven has an interview with Rick Goodman.

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