Cecropia Previews Romantic Comedy Game

Posted on October 5, 2006

It was over a year ago when we first blogged that a company called Cecropia was working on a romantic comedy game. They were working on an interactive game with complex characters and a rich graphics and animations. The Cecropia team includes former Disney and Pixar animators. They are closer to releasing the romantic comedy game and recently offered a preview of their upcoming game called The Act.

Players take the role of Edgar, a shy window washer who is tossed into a strange role and must maintain the deception - The Act -through a series of increasingly challenging scenes. Players use a simple knob to control Edgar's reactions and interactions with a comic supporting cast.

More than 1,200 people have played The Act since the field test began. The reaction, from hard-core gamers to people who don't usually play video games, is outstanding.

These are comments of people who played the game from a Cecropia press release but they do indicate that some people found the game enjoyable.
"It's a cinematic experience you don't get in any other video game. I enjoyed watching the emotions of the characters and I wanted to know how the story ended because I really cared what happened to them."

"It is the most original game I've seen in a long time. It has the eye candy factor of past games like Dragon's Lair but you've eliminated the tedious and repetitive move-memorization game play."

"The slapstick comedy in The Act is tremendous and made us want to play over and over."

It sounds like Cecropia may have something good here with its new genre of video games.

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