Big Releases for 2005

Posted on January 10, 2005

2005 will have its big hits and a few sites are looking at what some of them might be. A recent BBC article highlights future releases like Ico 2, an expansion of Ico for PS2 with Wanda battling giants; Stalker, a PC first-person shooter; and the Star Wars game Knight of the Republic II for Xbox and the PC. None of them are going to be as big as last year's Halo 2 and Half LIfe 2.

Some of the role-playing releases for computer and video gamers includeFreedom Force vs The Third Reich, The Bard's Tale and Knight of the Republic II.

2005 will also see new Xbox2 released. CNN reports that the 2005 Xbox 2 release could be expensive -- in the $300-400 range -- much more expensive than the $150-$200 Xbox. Tony Gikas of Piper Jaffray is expecting the price jump. He tells CNN, ""We think Microsoft will price its next generation system at or above $300 for the base model. We also think there will be a model that includes accessories or network devices that could price as high as $350-$400/system."

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