Apple Pulled Tris and Murderdrome iPhone Apps

Posted on September 6, 2008

Macnn recently reported that a iPhone Tetris clone called Tris was pulled from the iTunes App store.

Witherspoon feels that The Tetris Company is within their rights to protect their intellectual property, "the approach they're taking seems to me little more than petty bullying." He estimates that the only reason they have a leg to stand on is because of Witherspoon's student status.

"To clarify: if Apple had not told me they'd "take action" of their own if I didn't resolve the "dispute", Tris would be staying up," Witherspoon summarizes. "I don't think this will be permanent; when I have the time and can find a good copyright lawyer, I'll be figuring out exactly what my position is and how I can make Tris available again."

Witherspoon will be pulling Tris from the App Store on Wednesday.

There isn't a lot Apple can do if the game appears to be a lot like Tetris and the Tetris trademark owner complains. You can see an image of just how close to Tetris the game was on Kotaku.

Apple has also banned some books for use on the iPhone such as the Murderdrome comic.

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